Thursday, May 14, 2009


I wanted to take my parents to Segovia for a couple reasons. One is the aqueduct that any mechanically or architecturally minded person would marvel at. Another is the castle (to the right) where Lancelot sang C’est Mio in the 1967 musical Camelot; of course the castle is supposed to be in France, but it isn’t and the one they used as Camelot is also in Spain. I wanted to show my mom, who likes that musical, the battlements where he sang the song. Oh and besides that, the castle has a few other “small” historical stories dealing with little known people like Columbus and Ferdinand and Isabel… but that was a long time ago… ;)

I wanted to go to the Iglesia de la Veracruz again, but we didn’t have time. I highly recommend you go there if you can. It is one of the coolest Knights Templar churches I’ve ever seen.

P.S. You should know I am actually interested in all levels of history (even the year 1492) and the fact that the castle has seen so much history is important to me and intrigues me.

Aqueduct - Segovia
Iglesia San Millan - Segovia

Detail inside the Castle of Segovia - Armchair with inlaid wood and ivory, tiles and tapestry

Inside the Castle of Segovia

Detail of a mounted knight in amour

Plaza Juan Bravo - Segovia

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